
The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Psalms 126:3

Thursday, December 29, 2011

June Anne Update - 4 months

I can't believe my girl is 4 month old!!! Being her mommy gets better and better everyday, and I now can't imagine my life without her in it! June Anne is still happy, happy, happy! She is such a joy to be around, and I am so thankful. She smiles all the time, even at complete strangers. I'm told this will probably change when she hits the "stranger anxiety" phase, but for now, I'm enjoying how much her sweet smile blesses others. We went in for her 4 month check-up today (accompanied by her second round of fun!). Dr. Miller says she looks fantastic and that I am "doing a great job with her" (thank you, Dr. Miller, for that dose of reassurance!). She weighed in at a whopping 12 lbs, 1 oz! How my sweet girl is so little, I have no idea. The girl can put down some milk!!!! She measured in the 25th percentile for weight and 40th percentile for length (24 inches!). She screamed bloody murder during her shots and is now enjoying being held and cuddled all night because Mommy is scarred from the ordeal and certain that June Anne is as well!

Some new things happening in June Anne's life-

She started going to school 3 days a week now that I am back at work. It's working out really well, and I absolutely love her teachers! She loves them as well, and smiles and "talks" with them all day. I also feel like she loves the interaction with the other babies. When I take her in and pick her up, she's usually wide-eyed looking around at everything going on. For the most part, being back at work is great! I really missed my friends at work while I was out on leave, and I REALLY missed using my brain. I would be lying if I said that every day is easy. Mondays are especially hard as I have Thursdays through Sundays to spend with June Anne. So, Monday drop-off is not my favorite time of the week. But, I know she is in good hands, and I know that it is good for both her and for me.

June Anne is sitting up in the Bumbo sear very well and has started pulling up on Jason and me to pull herself into the seated position in our laps. It won't be long before she's sitting up!

June Anne is finally loving tummy time...something I attribute to her fantastic teachers. She rolls over from her tummy to her back, although it's few and far between. At times, she has rolled over 3 or 4 times in a row, only to wait another week to do it again! She's trying to roll from her back to stomach and can get almost all the ay over. She hasn't quite figured out how to get those hips and that shoulder around just yet. Soon enough!

June Anne has started grabbing on to things, including my hair (ouch), my pearls (no, baby girl, you can't have those yet!), clothes, her "baby," and other toys. She especially likes toys that make sounds and light up. She will laugh out loud at the lights.

She loves bath time still and kicks and splashes like a wild child with water and suds going everywhere! It's such a fun time for her daddy and me!

June Anne thinks her daddy is the greatest thing ever. She can be in the middle of a full-on meltdown, but as soon as she sees his face, she beams. It brings such joy to my heart to see them together. They already have such a special bond, and I can't wait to see how their relationship grows and flourishes over the years. I thank the Lord everyday for such an amazing father for my little girl. It heals my heart.

I'll leave you now with some pictures of my baby girl. She's just the best thing ever!

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