
The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Psalms 126:3

Monday, July 2, 2012


I know, I know - I am such a slacker!!! It's been so long since my last post. But, my baby girl is peacefully sleeping, and my husband is working late, and, even though there are bottles to made and finger foods to package up for June Anne for school tomorrow, I wanted to take a minute to update the blog for those few faithful followers that we have! What have we been up to the past month? A LOT! Let me just tell you! Ok - well, when I go to type it, it really doesn't seem like that much, but life with a crawler is a lot of work!!! June Anne is everywhere these days. And her not-so-smart parents (we are trying to start watching the words we choose to use - "stupid" isn't one we want JA to pick up on) have yet to get baby gates. So, during June Anne's waking hours, one of us is literally running after her as she crawls furociously around the house. Needless to say, on my days home from work, I don't get very much accomplished, which is honestly fine by me at this stage in my life. I'm grateful for an amazing husband that helps me out when he gets home. A good friend of mine says that "a clean house is a sign of misspent life." And I'm learning more and more how true that really is. We don't live in filth by any stretch of the imagination - but, I'm ok with toys strewn in the floor or maybe not getting to the dusting as often as I used to before June Anne. I would much rather spend my time on the floor, crawling around, or snuggled in the rocker reading a book. I'm so thankful for the perspective that having June Anne has brought in my life. So many things that used to be important, I realize now are so trivial. (I mean, I do clean, people - don't think we are slobs! I'm just not nearly as anal about it as I used to be! Well, except the floor - I like the floor to be clean since JA crawl around there!)

We have also transitioned June Anne to what I call a "big girl" schedule. So sad! She now gets 3 meals a day - breakfast, lunch and dinner - with two snacks in between and 3 8 oz. bottles a day - morning, afternoon, and bedtime. She's doing great with it so far! The doctor has given us the O.K. to give her anything that we eat, which seems crazy to me. But, we have been giving her more and more, and she is doing great! Some of her favorites right now are wheat pasta with parmesan cheese, cubed sweet potatoes, butterbeans, sweet peas, green beans, and all kinds of fruit. Her favorite fruit right now is blueberries...she devours them!

This past month we went to Michigan to visit with Jason's family and to let June Anne meet her great-grandparents, great-aunts and uncles and cousins. It was June Anne's first flight. The way there was a NIGHTMARE! She cried almost the entire time! The way back, we planned her feedings correctly, so she slept the entire way back. Whew! We had a nice visit. I've posted some pictures below.

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