
The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Psalms 126:3

Monday, October 10, 2011

June Anne Update

June Anne was 6 weeks old yesterday. I can't believe how fast the past 6 weeks have flown by! She is changing every day! I took her in a couple of days before she was 4 weeks for a weight check, and she was 8 lbs, 7 oz! Dr. Miller said he would've liked for her to gain a little more, but she is still in the normal range since she gained so much, so quickly when we came home from the hospital. Since then, she has gotten so much bigger! She is out of newborn diapers and out of all of her newborn clothes and well into 0-3 month outfits.

Overall, June Anne is such a happy, good baby! I feel very blessed to have my first little one have her sweet disposition. She's so content and still, for the most part, only cries when she is hungry or has an upset stomach. Any other time she is a happy and content baby! She loves to be snuggled, and I make sure to cherish the moments I have her curled up on my chest or in my arms - I know they won't last forever. She absolutely LOVES the lamb swing! Jason and I say it's like a drug for babies because she can be having a full blown meltdown and the swing makes it all better! She loves Mommy and Daddy and recognizes our voices. She gives us the sweetest looks, especially when we go to get her out if her crib for her 2 am feeding or in the morning. She loves bath time and sits in the infant sling part of her bathtub like she's taking a soak after a hard day's work. It's the cutest thing! She obviously loves milk and loves to eat! We started giving her a bottle the day we got back from PTC. Jason usually gives it to her, and she devours it! She's had no problems switching between bottle and breast - she's not picky about how she gets her milk so long as she gets it when she wants it! June Anne loves to smile and laugh. She talks up a storm after each meal, and I love having these little "conversations" with her!

Sleep? June Anne is an awesome sleeper! I like to say that she likes her beauty rest. We usually put her down between 8-8:30 with no problem, she wakes up around 2:00 to eat and then doesn't wake up again until between 6-7 in the morning. Yes, yes, I do realize how blessed I am! I'm hoping she keeps it up and eventually drops the 2:00 am feeding! But, I know that will come in time. While I'm looking forward to eventually having a full night's sleep again, I'm not rushing her.

June Anne has brought us so much joy! We love her more and more every day!

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