
The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Psalms 126:3

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

In addition to having a baby...

we are also doing this at our house....

We LOVE our new home, but when you drive up, it looks a little abandoned (at least in my opinion) because the people who owned the home before didn't have any kind of yard - front or back. So, we've decided to have some trees cut down - 200+ to be exact! "What's the hurry? Why not wait until the baby gets here and you get settled?" That's a very valid question! Well, the hurry is that we have found someone to rent our old house! YAY!!! While we were not able to sell it, we are happy with the decision of renting it and feel that God has really opened and closed to the doors to make it happen. He has ALWAYS proven Himself faithful, and we will trust Him in this decision! Anyways, we are currently taking the dogs there every day since we don't have a fence at the new house yet. Why don't we just get a fence? Apparently, with the number of trees we want to take down, the best way to do it is for them to bulldoze the trees. So, with a fence already in place, we risk ruining the fence in the process of removing the trees. Hence, removal of trees must take place before fence can go up. And fence MUST go up now that our house is soon-to-be rented. Whew! I just thought I had a lot going on in my life anticipating the arrival of my sweet daughter and trying to wrap up all my engagements at work before she arrives! I had no idea!!!! But, we have been blessed beyond what I could have ever imagined, so I will just go along with it!

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