
The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Psalms 126:3

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Trip to Yellowstone

For as long as I have known the Faunce family (which is over 10 years now), they have talked about this amazing trip that they took out to Yellowstone National Park when the boys were kids. So, for quite awhile, I have wanted to know what all this hype was about. So, Jason and I decided to plan a trip out West to visit Yellowstone National Park and Teton National Park in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. And this trip did NOT disappoint! We both love the outdoors, so we were both very excited about this trip. Most of the trips we've taken since we got married have been to beautiful beaches, so we were excited for a little bit of a change.

We arrived in Idaho last Sunday and spent the last 10 days exploring...some sights we saw are touristy sites that are a must-see when visiting the National Parks; others were more obscure and, to be honest, even more breathtaking than those on the beaten path.

The time that we spent together taking in the scenery, enjoying the perfect fall weather (until the snow 2 days before we left!), and seeing some amazing animals was priceless. I can't wait to take our kids out there one day! We were contantly in awe of the beauty of God's creation, and I know it is a trip we will remember forever.

These two moose were practically in our backyard, which was amazing to me. I consider myself Southern, but this was pretty much "country". I loved it! The female just starred straight at us. The bull moose was a little more leery.

Old Faithful - erupts pretty much every 90 minutes. Touristy attraction, but very cool. It's amazing that this piece of land goes basically from nothing to this in a matter of seconds.

Bison in the road - this was one of my favorite things about this trip. The animals could not have cared less about us. This is where they live, and they don't care what type of inconvenience it may cause. Not to mention - look how huge! Amazing!

The views were literally breathtaking at times. Our camera does not do these scenes justice. God is so good!

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