
The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Psalms 126:3

Friday, April 27, 2012


Some things happening right now in our lives:

June Anne is HUGE!!!! I can't believe she is almost 8 months old! It can't be possible! She is such a sweet JOY in my life, and when I think things can't get any better, they do! I miss my sweet, snuggly newborn, but I am so amazed and in love with the happy baby my girl has become. She is so inquisitive and attentive. And so interested in people and what they are doing and why. She will bend in half to strain to see someone. And when she finally has them in sight, she studies them and smiles.

She is wanting to crawl so badly, but hasn't quite gotten the hang of moving forward. She scoots back, further and further from her toys. It's so funny to watch. She'll get it! She is also pulling up on stuff and standing, so maybe she will skip crawling altogether!

June Anne loves to eat. I have been making my own food, and she loves it ALL! Peas, green beans, butternut squash, regular squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, plums, pears, nectarines, bananas, natural applesauce and blueberries are her current staples. And she has not turned her nose up to any of them! A true Benson at heart! (My mom's side of the family loves food...good food.)

My sweet girl was baptized last weekend. It was a sweet time celebrating God's love for us. More on that special event in another post.

In less interesting news, I am in the waiting room at the hospital to have my gallbladder removed! I started have symptoms in November, and thought that I just kept getting the stomach bug. After the 6th bout, I decided to see a GI doctor. I was convinced I had ulcers. (Can you imagine that? No way, right?! I don't worry about anything! Yeah....right). Anyways, after an endoscopy last Thursday, which revealed no ulcers, I was sent for an ultrasound and hidascan to determine if the problem was my gallbladder. It turns out a normal gallbladder works at a rate between 35-75%. Mine is currently working at a rate of 27%. That number, coupled with the symptoms I have been having, led the doctor to recommend that the gallbladder come out, especially since Jason and I would love to start thinking about having another baby soon. (Apparently its very common to have problems with your gallbladder after having a baby! Who knew?!) So, here I am! To top it off, June Anne started running a fever yesterday and has an ear infection! Poor baby! Or, should I say, poor Jason! Thankful to have such an amazing husband and father to take care of us this weekend.

So, it has definitely been quite a month in my house. Between the gallbladder attacks, my father's passing, June Anne's ear infection and my diagnostic tests and now surgery, I'm ready for May to get here! Jason and I have a trip planned to Mexico the first full week in May, which will be a nice reprieve! No, June Anne is not going. Yes, it will be the first time I leave her. Yes, I am nervous. Yes, I will probably cry and miss her terribly! But, I know she is in good hands. She will be gracing both sets of her grandparents with her presence for a few days each. Maybe Jason and I should've done a weekend test run before leaving her for 5 nights?!

Headed back soon, but here are a few pics:

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